
Hi! I'm Katherine Grace Bond


Published 18 days ago • 1 min read

A week or so ago, we drove from Seattle to Portland to see my high school classmate Kathy Hsieh in a two-person show. By the end of the production, the characters were faced off at an emotional turning point, the raw energy of loss, longing, love and uncertainty radiating across the stage. I met up with Kathy afterward with tears still staining my face.

As we talked later about the process of her art, I was struck once again by how hand-in-glove it is with my own writing process. In order to move others, we must allow ourselves become not a mover, but the one being moved.

We talked about the difference between plumbing your emotional experiences in order to superimpose them upon a character and embodying the character so that the emotion springs naturally from the character's experience.

At the Full-Bodied Writing Retreat, It is with this "bodyful" shift in perception that we step into our stories.

At this year's retreat, you'll dance your way in with author and dancer Helen Landalf and you'll create a hand-bound book of your characters' emotional journey with author Holly Cupala. As always, you'll eat farm-to-table meals, enjoy a glass of wine while watching the sunset over the water, get a massage or naturopathic consult, and meet with faculty for a review of your writing.

We have only 13 spaces left.


Epicwrite's 8th Annual Full-Bodied Writing Retreat

June 21-23 at Saint Andrew's House, Union, WA





PS We are still doing our Thursday Labyrinth Write-Ins and you are most welcome to join us for a couple of writing hours in companionable silence. Click here to sign up for our spring sessions!

Hi! I'm Katherine Grace Bond

I write to heal the rifts in ourselves and our culture. Embodiment is my thing, and I coach writers who are longing to bring their authentic voice to the world. Sign up for my newsletter and get hope in your inbox!

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