
Hi! I'm Katherine Grace Bond

New News about the Full-Bodied Writing Retreat!

Published 20 days ago • 1 min read

Storytelling is born in the body.

Our ancestors knew this when they donned costumes and danced around the fire. Actors know it. And writers? We know it the first time our characters move us: whether to tears, to rage, or to laughing out loud. We experience it in our body.

At Epicwrite, writers explore the mind-body connection through movement, mindfulness, ritual, and the actor’s art. And we study the alchemy of wordcraft—those elements of plotting, characterization, description, and scene that will most powerfully move a reader.

The focus of this year’s retreat is re-envisioning your project.

This will be especially useful if you have a completed manuscript, but it is also surprisingly powerful when you are midway through your WIP.

Our faculty this year include myself, Katherine Grace Bond, Andrew Bond, Holly Cupala and, new to Epicwrite, we welcome author and dancer Helen Landalf! I have long wanted to bring a dancer to Epicwrite. Helen will offer a movement sequence called the Brain Dance that will light up your cerebellum and take your project into flow.

Our staff this year includes LMP Genesis Ramirez and also, returning to us, are Dr. James Drake, ND, LMP, and his wife (my daughter) Sarah Drake. Dr. Drake will again offer a choice of massage or a naturopathic consult. Sarah will do on-site administration and answer your questions.

Our unique body-centered writing weekend offers focused workshops, small group interaction, ample writing time, farm-to-table meals, a faculty review of your writing (if desired) and a massage or naturopathic consult, all in a forested setting overlooking mountains and water.

We think it's pretty special.

June 21-23 at Saint Andrew's House, Union, WA





PS We are still doing our Thursday Labyrinth Write-Ins and you are most welcome to join us for a couple of writing hours in companionable silence. Click here to sign up for our spring sessions!

Hi! I'm Katherine Grace Bond

I write to heal the rifts in ourselves and our culture. Embodiment is my thing, and I coach writers who are longing to bring their authentic voice to the world. Sign up for my newsletter and get hope in your inbox!

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